Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Robot Assignment

Our first task in CGA is too design a robot that is inspired by real world sources and influences.

Mood board
Finding sources of inspirations on this Assignment was relatively easy for me. Having spent many years surrounded by Sci-fi films, games and TV shows. The constant threat of being assimilated by the fearsome Borg or exterminated by the Daleks haunted me throughout my childhood. I was scared but fascinated with curiosity at these mechanical monsters, now I am tasked with designing one.

Drawing inspiration from multiple sources I will create 3 robots. These 3 robots will then feed into one final design. This final design will borrow aspects from my 3 initial designs; that could be body shape, features, weaponry; anything that could improve the design and its purpose. My 3 initial designs must have form and function in order too fit their purpose.

Its worth noting that my 3 initial designs will each be drawn in a slightly different drawing styles.

My Sketchbook

Left- Basic Mood board.
Right- Initial Inspiration for drawing a Robot.
Left- 1. Inspiration for my Security/ Combat Robot.
Right- 2. Inspiration for my Crazy Repair! Robot. 
Left- Inspiration for my Pack Horse Robot.
Right- An example of how my inspiration for my 3 initial designs will feed into my final design.

My 3 Initial Robot Designs

Robot 1. Security/ Combat

Drawn with heavy pencil strokes. This security/ combat robot was mainly inspired by EVA/EVE from the film Wall.E, this is the reason it has smooth magnetic joints instead of traditional mechanical joints. The weapon on its right arm was inspired by Mr Winks chain hand from Hellboy 2: The Golden Army.  

Robot 2. Crazy Repair!

Drawn slowly and carefully. This crazy repair robot was inspired mainly by Claptrap from the Borderlands game series. Retro design stylized for a 1950's television audience. Note his human features. Its safe to say he doesn't know when too stop repairing. 
Robot 3. Pack Horse

Drawn very quickly from a basic idea. Its purpose as a pack horse was inspired by the Brahmin from Fallout 3. Sharp features and the slim design were inspired by the Uruk Hai armor and weaponry from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I also took inspiration from a robot race called the Geth from the Mass Effect game series. And the Terminator, from the Terminator film series.

These 3 drawings will feed into my one final design, taking aspects from each and applying them too my final design.

My Final Robot Design

My Final Robot Design

The result of one week of drawing and research. My final Robot is inspired by my three previous drawings and uses features found on each of them. The smooth limbs and magnetic joints are taken from my security/ combat robot which in turn is inspired by EVA/ EVE from the Disney film Wall.E. The sharp shoulder pads and leg guards are taken from my pack horse robot, and the simple weaponry/ retro hands and feet are inspired by my crazy repair robot.

Its purpose is to protect its owner from harm or to aid emergency services. A military variant also exists however its use on the battlefield is extremely controversial due to the use of an advanced AI that is able too think for itself.

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