Tuesday 13 October 2015

Using Navmesh in Unity: Part One (CGA Year Two)

This post focuses on our lesson with Ewan in which We learnt how to use Navmesh in Unity. Follow the screenshots to see how I followed the tutorial.

We were given the scene and assets to use in this tutorial.

You can see here how I baked the Navmesh onto the object.

I gave the character a point and click controller allowing the player to navigate the scene using His/ Her mouse.

You can see here how the Character uses the Navmesh to calculate how to jump up to the ledge.

Overall I do find coding difficult to do, even when following a tutorial led by a tutor. I have tried to learn coding in My own time and haven't made much progress. Its a shame as I would like to learn how to code however as I progress through this course i'm hoping to specialize as an Environment Artist/ 3D Artist. Coding doesn't have much of a part to play in these roles so personally I wish to focus in on modelling over coding. I feel its more important for Me to build a strong 3D portfolio.

Part two of this tutorial can be found in the next post.

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